Dec 21, 2023

Whether you drive a brand-new car or you own a vintage model, you want to keep your vehicle in the best possible condition. After all, your vehicle is an investment that helps you get to work on time, run important errands, take your family on road trips, and much more.

Washing your car regularly is essential for keeping it in great shape. But are you washing it too much or not enough? Find out how often you should wash your car and learn how to make every wash count.

How Often To Wash Your Vehicle

Image via Pexels by Kaboompics .com

As a general rule, many car experts recommend washing your vehicle every other week. Yet because all cars are different, there’s no single schedule that every driver should follow. Instead, use the factors below to set the right timetable for washing your vehicle.

Where You Live

First, consider the conditions and potential hazards in your local area. If you live near the ocean, for example, saltwater buildup can damage your vehicle’s paint and rust your car’s undercarriage. If you live in an area where snow and ice require the roads to be salted, your vehicle could experience similar damage. In both cases, you should wash your vehicle more frequently to prevent salt-related damage.

Of course, salt is far from the only common substance that can damage your vehicle. Pine sap, bird droppings, and dead bugs can all splatter on your vehicle and corrode the paint over time. If you live in an area where you regularly run into these hazards, wash your car more often to avoid long-term damage.

Seasonal Changes

Every part of the country experiences seasonal changes, even here in Florida. Depending on where you live, you may need to wash your vehicle more frequently in some seasons than in others. For example:

  • You live an hour from the coast, but you tend to visit the beach and drive near saltwater spray every weekend during the summer months.
  • Your area tends to get icy when the temperature drops, and your local road department salts the roads thoroughly during the winter months.
  • You live in a hot, dry area, and damaging dust storms often pass through during the summer months.

How Often You Drive Your Vehicle

Your driving frequency also affects how often you should wash your car. After all, some drivers use their cars a couple days a month, while others rarely go a day without driving. You should wash your car more often than normal if you use your vehicle to commute to work every day or if you generally have to drive to various job sites or client locations throughout a typical workday.

In contrast, you can wash your car less frequently if you just use it to take the kids to school and to run occasional errands. If you only drive your car once a week or a handful of days every month, then the decreased exposure to hazards means you can dial back your car-washing schedule without worrying about damage.

Where You Park Your Car

No matter how often you drive, you undoubtedly leave your car in a similar spot while you’re at work, overnight, or other times when you aren’t using it. When it comes to keeping your car in optimal condition, where you park matters.

  • If you park your car in a covered area, such as a garage, you effectively avoid many common hazards. Since parking indoors can protect your car from salt, sap, and other potentially harmful substances, you can get away with washing your vehicle less frequently.
  • If you normally park your car on the street or in an open parking lot, then it may be more susceptible to common hazards. You should wash your vehicle more frequently to make sure bird droppings, sap, and other substances don’t build up on the exterior.

What Type of Car You Drive

When planning your car-washing schedule, you’ll also want to consider how you want your vehicle to look. If you drive a heavy-duty truck for work, then you may not expect it to look like it’s in pristine condition at all times. If you have a brand-new sports car, however, then you may want to consider more frequent washes to keep it looking shiny and new.

5 Ways To Make Every Car Wash Count

At Panama City Toyota, we know how important it is to wash your car correctly. Follow these five tips to keep your car looking great with every wash.

1. Find a Shady Spot

Salt and other harmful substances can damage your vehicle even more when exposed to direct sunlight. When you wash your car, make a point of finding a shaded or covered area so you can avoid harsh sunlight.

2. Rinse Frequently

Before you start scrubbing, give your vehicle a thorough rinse to remove any loose dirt or gravel. As you wash particularly dirty or stubborn areas, rinse frequently to avoid allowing debris to scratch your vehicle.

3. Wash With a Mild Soap

It can be tempting to wash your car with dish soap or other liquid detergents you have around the house. However, you should always use a mild soap that’s designed specifically for your vehicle. When you use car-safe soap, you don’t have to worry about damaging the exterior.

4. Use a Gentle Cloth

Always wash away dirt and grime with a microfiber cloth or a soft sponge. Never scrub your vehicle with an abrasive surface, as you could scratch the paint.

5. Finish With a Wax Coat

After washing your vehicle, dry it thoroughly with a microfiber cloth. Then finish the job by applying a wax coat. Wax can help prevent harmful substances from building up on your vehicle, which can make it easier to clean and prevent long-term damage.

From understanding dashboard indicator lights to increasing your vehicle’s trade-in value, we have everything you need for keeping your car in excellent shape. Browse our resources for car maintenance or contact our Panama City dealership for service.